Ramayan and Mahabharat is history of HUMANS & Shri Ram and Shri Krishna are AVATAR OF GOD. Pooja,Rituals, KARMA are 3 parts of Dharm.Karma or Physical performing part was DILUTED during 1000 years of invaders rule.Restore this to improve the condition of Hindu society. यह ब्लॉग वर्तमान हिंदू समाज को केंद्र बिंदु मान कर ही धार्मिक विषयों पर चर्चा करेगा| अभी तक लोग या तो किसी धार्मिक ग्रन्थ को, या किसी व्यक्ती विशेष/या गुरु को केंद्र बिंदु मान कर धार्मिक, या अन्य विषय पर चर्चा करते रहे हैं |
Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Consulting Engineer, operating from Mumbai, involved in financial and project consultancy; also involved in revival of sick establishments.
ABOUT MY BLOG: One has to accept that Hindus, though, highly religious, are not getting desired result as a society. Female feticide, lack of education for girls, dowry deaths, suicides among farmers, increase in court cases among relatives, corruption, mistrust and discontent, are all physical parameters to measure the effectiveness or success/failure of RELIGION, in a society. And all this, despite the fact, that spending on religion, by Hindus, has increased drastically after the advent of multiple TV channels. There is serious problem of attitude of every individual which need to be corrected. Revival of Hindu religion, perhaps, is the only way forward.
I am writing how problems, faced by Indian people can be sorted out by revival of Hindu Religion.
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