Tuesday, July 21, 2009


WE have now come to the stage where we will be discussing the DHARM OF RAMRAJYA. Ramrajya was the rule of Shri Ram over the entire world, sometimes after his coronation and after he became the Chakravarti Samraat. In this rule, everyone was happy and satisfied. Everyone followed the Dharm and laws were made so that people followed the Dharm. 
Naturally the question arises as to what that Dharm was? 
Obviously it was an all inclusive growth of entire humanity plus prevention of misuse of nature. 
After the death of Ravan, Shri Ram was able to dismantle the caucus of Brahmins which even Parashuram was unable to dismantle and abolish caste system. But to do all this even Ram had to pay the price. Mata Sita had to be disowned on the basis of physical evidence, though we all know Ram loved her and she was not at fault. This fact is important to be mentioned in Ramrajya as Sita was not guilty but could not present any physical evidence that she did not go with Ravan on her own free will.  Ram, on the basis of physical evidence or lack of it,  had to disown her.
Discussion on Ramrajya cannot be complete without separately mentioning that any issue that comes for adjudication had to be decided on physical evidence PRESENTED and NOT on basis of belief or personal knowledge.

Before venturing any further, it is important to have a clear and acceptable definition of Dharm or Religion. If you translate the Sanskrit word DHARM, the answer is RELIGION, so for all practical purpose one can accept DHARM(or DHARMA as some say) and Religion to be one and same thing, in different languages.[Technically speaking Dharm and Religion are not the same thing. While Dharm contains set of rules for the group of people following that faith, Religion defines the faith. We will ignore this fine distinction]. 

Dharm essentially has two parts. 
1. One contains a set of rules which are to be followed by the people of that faith so that the societies can grow,
2. And the second contain set of rules to be followed by people of that faith for offering prayers and perform rituals.
Part of the second is personal while the rest is not. The rest is your religious obligation towards your family and the society. Put in more simply how much you believe in God or how you worship is personal, while the rest is not. The rest is totally outwardly…it starts with your interaction with your family and moves further outwards towards larger family and the society where you are living in. All this constitutes Dharm. The simplest definition of Dharm is: 
‘The rules framed by religion, to be followed by individuals and societies, so that the individual and the societies can grow and have FAITH in the Almighty’.
Having said that. let me add one thing further; Sanatan Dharm is NOT rule based. The rules can be framed by the current society on the basis of knowledge of VED; and Ved is GYAN for living in society.

When we talk of Dharm, there were certain rule which already existed and which are so relevant even today, that no Hindu Dharm can progress without following them. Not following them or ignoring them means decline of society, distress and dissatisfaction all around. And they were for Rishis, maharishis, gurus, and generally for people wearing saffron clothes. Since these people were the stalwarts, or caretaker of religion, they never owned or possessed any property(not even by opening Matths and creating and enjoying property through that source), they invariably walked on foot, took simple food, walked around the country side or would go and stay alone in deep forest for at least nine months of a year. They stayed in a cottage (not the AC one!), invariably followed and promoted nature and environment. 

When they delivered religious sermons, the rule was, that everyone can listen to them and see them and they can also watch the audience and their expression (no, they did not use the loud speaker). This was called Mahamantra. These religious stalwarts knew that not following the Mahamantra, would destroy the society, and the Hindu religion itself. EVEN TODAY, THIS MAHAMANTRA HAS TO BE REVIVED AND FOLLOWED BY GURUS, MATTH OWNERS, SADHUS, AND ALL SAFRON CLAD PEOPLE, IF HINDU RELIGION HAS TO REGAIN ITS LOST GLORY. 

Now, when we talk of Hindu Dharm, we have to accept and understand the broad outlines of Sanatan Dharm where God (or Vishnu, should we say) incarnates and comes on this earth as Avatar, as and when Adharm or evil on this earth increases to unacceptable proportion. What is unacceptable proportion is not decided by we human being. It is decided by Lord Vishnu himself. But one thing becomes absolutely clear; God answers prayers of individuals, but God does not interfere in the matter of human beings, as a society, though he is Almighty. If HE feels certain corrections are required to contain Adharm, HE comes on this earth as Avatar. Rest of the time, we earthlings, has to move ahead, following the Dharm. In other word, put in more simply, Hindu gods, or God will not interfere in our life, as a society. We are on our own. 

When Sage Valmiki wrote Ramayan, there existed the social problem of one person marrying several females. During the time of Goswami Tulsidas, the problem was much more severe. Please understand that when sages write granths(epics), they keep their existing societies requirement, too, in mind.
Sanatan Dharm is always current Society centric.
Now, regarding the DHARM of RAMRAJYA. 
a) During Ramrajya everyone had the right to worship any Dev or Devi, any stone or imageless God (Nirankaar). Worship was his personal choice. But one has to go, regularly, to the nearest temple situated in his society or Mohalla. In case one was not visiting regularly (regularly means daily, alternate day or weekly, depending on the choice of the person),the temple situated in the society or mohalla, he would not get any benefit of visiting Siddh temples, situated all over India, or, for that matter, any benefit of performing ‘TEERTH’(Pilgrimage). That was part one.  
b) The other part, too, was also simple. One had to work, with honest and sincere intent, for the progress of his family, his larger family and the society (one can say mohalla, sector, sub sector, area) in which one was living, and show highest respect and regards to females.

While the first part (prayer or worship) may or may not guarantee a ticket to Heavens (depending on one’s performance on other part, or one can say outward performance part), a sincere and honest effort in discharging ones duties for the progress of his family, his larger family and the society, guaranteed a ticket to Heavens. 

And this, the DHARM of RAMRAJYA, is the only Dharm which can take us forward. Why we are not practicing this or even making efforts for its revival, is something to be answered by the Dharm Gurus of Hindu religion. We shall discuss more about it in future posts.


  1. I believe that the word 'Dharma' is far bigger in context than the word 'religion'.
    Dharma is all inclusive but religion is divisive...
    A nice blog.


  2. Thanks for your comments.
    Deliberate attempt has been made, not to go in depth regarding the meaning of Dharma. The belief is that Dharm does not need any detailed instruction, or guidance. Hindu Dharm is simple and can be understood by everyone.
    Dharm requires follow-up and implementation, for which cooperation of yours,and everyone else is solicited.

  3. dear Kulbhushan

    i think you are mixing three things here, which is creating a little bit of confusion. you have written about
    1. the Hindu God/s
    2. the Dharma (sanatana)
    3. the Ramarajya

    intermixing them is possible only if you tap into the scholastic nuances of the Indian way of life. what is visible and commendable is the fact that you have interpreted the elements without formal training in bharata-tatva

    i have many comments to make about your blog and will do so in the coming days. tonight i have to attend to a sick cousin of mine

    keep up the (satya-manthan) churning for truth, it is in you...


    dr. manish mokshagundam

  4. Dear Dr. Manish
    So nice of you to have visited the blog.
    I shall be eagerly waiting for your detailed comments.

  5. Singhal jii
    First i like to congratulates you.
    it's great analysis & really nice research.
    even best thing is you manage starte writing.
    please keep it.
    you are also requested to write about Dvaita-Advaita
